Someone can say — and why do we need such a banal dish?
I deny — banal dishes does not happen, there are those that you eat too often.
Dishes that are already almost forgotten I tell you are the most delicious.
But back to our.
For its preparation, we need potatoe itself.
Peeled, washed and spread in the same clean saucepan.
Also we need a piece of lard, our national product.
I have note that potatoes are not national, it became it recently — within the last 100-200 years.
Until potatoes were grown only in Central America, and appeared in Europe only in 17-18 century. After that it passed from noble status to the status of the Devil plants and vice versa repeatedly.
And the main side dish for Ukrainians was wheat (cleaned millet) (I`m lack of millet recipes, maybe anyone can share?).
So, per kilogram of potatoes, we need about 150 g of lard.
It must be thinly cut into slices and put them in a large pan or baking tray.
Do not put too close – better eat lard with slice of brown bread, but the main thing not to touch the frying potatoes.
Next we need half of onion and a couple cloves of garlic.
And one and the second should be chopped and mixed with mayonnaise.
The choice of mayonnaise — to your taste, personally I use «Provansal» (who knows — this is the original version of mayonnaise, not too fat, no extra flavors and a little sour).
Do not forget the salt and pepper to this improvised sauce.
Spread the cut potatoes into halves on lard and smear it with sauce.
Then everything is brilliantly, that is, as you know — just bake a potato in the oven over moderate heat.
You should wait for about 30-40 min, or till the moment, when patience ends))
Be sure to tightly cover the front door — the delicious smells can often visit neighbors, and not the fact that they have patience stronger than yours.
After baking let potatoes cool with the lid — not to dry it.
Serve with greens – dill and parsley.
I advise to taste such potatoes not hot, but warm with sour and cold dishes with pickled cucumbers, salad with sauerkraut or Korean carrot.
If you decide also to drink then try with kvass.
Bon Appetite!
P.S. Coauthor of the recipe is Norbert
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