It`s hard to find people who do not like homemade pelmeni, and every family has its own, brand recipe of cooking, but… there is never too much good recipes, so I want to introduce you one more -Ural Pelmeni.

Add to mince grated onion, pressed garlic, parsley and some water to make it juicy. Add salt, pepper and put at least for 30 min in the fridge.

Dough: Mix with fork egg and water. Put half of egg mixture in blender, add flour, 1 tbsp of butter and rest of egg mixture. Mix in pulse mode for 1-2 min, to get big, sticky crumbs.

Make dough ball and let it stay covered for 30 min. Main thing for the Ural pelmeni — the dough should be somewhat dry. Dry dough, used in this recipe, will not leak juice of minced meat and does not allow water to penetrate in it.

Divide dough in 2 parts.

Make a sausage from each piece and cut into small slices. Roll each separately and put stuffing in the middle.

The dough is very easy molded and I do not sprinkle table with flour. I do not like cloudy broth! Pelmeni should be done small to crack them in the mouth. And another important moment, during boiling dough shrinks «sits down», as if hugging the stuffing, then it is cooked properly. Boil ready pelmeni for 3-4 min.

I love pelmeni with broth.

Though without it is also tasty!
Top of recipe "Ural pelmeni"
Наташа, попробуйте в следующий раз сделать тесто вообще без яиц. Думаю сразу почувствуете разницу. Когда-то, когда еще учился в Союзе, сибиряки всегда говорили: пельменное тесто — без яиц! Если хочешь подчеркнуть свою зажиточность можешь добавить только желток.
Самые вкусные, которые мне довелось попробавать это с начинкой (уже не помню, в Красноярске или на Байкале): свинина + мясо лося.
С уважением, Эрик.