Cut the chicken along the breast.

Put it on the board, press the chicken`s spine with your hand well.

Do not use the hammer, not to break the bones. Smear carcass with adzhika, add salt and let it to stay for 30 min or an hour. Pour the oil on a hot pan, then add butter.

Spread the chicken and cover with lid.

Fry on an average heat for 20 min from both sides 20. Put the ready chicken on the other pan, and in the pan where we fried chicken pour cream.

Add salt, pressed garlic and stew on a low heat for a few minutes, pour the chicken.

Put in the oven for 7 min at 230-240℃ C. Put the ready chicken on a dish, on the top pour cream-garlic sauce, sprinkle with greens.
Bon Appetite!
Top of recipe "Shkmeruli - (Tapaka chicken in shkmerski)"