Dough as in Puffs with chocolate cream and original stuffing.
Dough preparation
Chop margarine or butter with knife with sifted flour into crumbs.
Mix egg with sugar, add milk and mix. Add to mass vinegar, salt.
Pour to flour with butter ready mass and quickly knead dough.

Cover with napkin or towel and put in the fridge for 2-3 h (or overnight).
Preparation of courgette in its own juice
Wash courgette, peel and cut in small pieces. If it is big – cut off seeds. Wash lemons, peel and cut in small pieces. Put in bowl chopped courgettes and lemons, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 3 h.

Put bowl with courgette over low heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let it cool at room temperature. Put over heat again, bring to a boil and cool. Repeat again. Spread finished courgette in colander to separate from juice.
Divide dough in 4 parts.

Sprinkle board with flour, spread dough, roll it, cut in two halves. Put tbsp of courgette on half of dough and cover with second half.

К кабачкам можно добавить изюм и резаные грецкие орешки. Залепляем прочно края. Обрезаем края закругливая их.

Grease baking sheet with margarine. Heat the oven. Put puffs only in heated oven. Bake at 180-200 ℃ for about 10-20 min.

Serve baked puffs hot.
Top of recipe "Puffs with courgette in lemon juice"