Prepare custard:
Add in saucepan with water butter, salt, bring to boil, add flour. Stir quickly (stir mass over heat for 30-60 sec, remove and stir into smooth mass).

Let it cool a bit (temperature of dough is about 70*) and add one egg,

Stir into smooth mass and add egg again

Do so, till you use all the eggs.

Cover baking sheet with parchent. Put dough in pastry bag and squeeze from it cakes on baking sheet

Bake in the oven, heated at 200℃ till brown. Not to spoil cakes, before removing them from oven, you can leave them for 1-2 min in the oven with open door.

Prepare cream:
Pu in an enamel bowl sour cream and sugar. Mix into fluffy mass. I use homemade sour cream and mix by hands, because you can overdo with mixer and make «sweet butter», instead of cream.

Peel and dice banana and kiwi.
Put 1/4 if cream in pastry bag and put in the fridge. Add to the rest of cream kiwi and banana, stir and put in the fridge.

Cut each custard cake horizontally at 2/3. Remove cream from fridge and fill cakes with spoon.

Fill edge of cut with cream from pastry bag.

Bon Appetite.
Top of recipe "Cakes with custard"