Person, who loves to eat and to cook, from time to time becomes crazy about some product or dish. In the restaurant, where I started my knowledge of the art of cooking and serving food from a professional point of view, was a big variety of different cutlets in the menu. I was amazed by pozharskie cutlets, Kiev cutlets, crab cutlets, walleye and other types of cutlets. Stuffing for them is prepared immediately before serving and it`s quality is excellent. That impressed me to try cooking at home my own variant, without furious atmosphere of the restaurant kitchen. Here is the result.

For cooking cutlets I chose quite strange kinds of meat for stuffing. But its more interesting, and as for me, poultry was always easier in cooking, than lamb or beef. Besides, turkey fillet does not have a single gram of fat, veins and other unpleasant things. And pork will ideally suit poultry, they can be easily combined.
Before cooking, keep it a little bit frozen. Soak the bread in water or milk.
1st step. I started from peeling the onion. Onion has the remarkable feature to emphasize and magnify any meat tastes. That`s why all recipes for cutlets have onion.
2nd step. Wash the leeks and cut it with a white onion. Then fry it on a middle fire, with a few spoons of oil for 20 min, till it soften and become golden. Necessarily cool it.
3rd step. Any recipe for cutlets consists of a few elements: meat, onions and fat. In our case bacon is for fat, it accompanies pork and gives a light, salt-smoky taste, especially if you use smoked bacon. So, prepare the meat. Cut it into middle- sized pieces, to make life easier for our grinder. Do the same with bacon. Grind the meat, alternating pork with turkey and bacon, occasionally adding the onions and bread, which was previously squizzed from excess moisture. The bread is very good in absorbing liquid, it will help cutlets to remain juicy and not to fall apart.
Salt, pepper and season with nutmeg the resultant stuffing. You may need more salt than you think, but do not forget that the bacon is quite salty, and its better to put less than to overdo.
Mix well the stuffing with hands. Gradually add cream, until the desired consistency. Mix it very well. So the mass can get more air.
4th step. Prepare a big bowl with flour. Wet your hands and form the cutlets of required size. Then, roll them in flour. Remove the excessive flour, place the cutlets on the board and, using the flat side of a knife and your almighty hands, give it a round shape. Put in the fridge for 15 min.
5th step. Fry the cutlets over high heat to a golden crust, for 2 min at each side, using oil. Then put them on a pan, covered with a baking paper. Cook them in the oven at 180°C for 7-10 min.
You can serve the with mashed potatoes, rice or buckwheat. As you wish. Personally, I left them on the plate alone, accompanied only with a leaf of fresh parsley. Sometimes you doesn`t need anything else, not to distract the stomach. Result impressed me a lot, and I`m going to continue my experiments. A period of minced meat began in my life.
Top of recipe "Cutlets from turkey and pork"
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