The reaction of many people to the name of this dish is easy to predict. For me, the bone marrow — is one of the pleasant culinary secrets that evoke a sense of special satisfaction. In fact, the bone marrow is very useful, available and easy to prepare. And most importantly, he has a very interesting taste, which is appreciated unfortunately not by all. But who loves can not live without it. If fortunate enough to save the veal bones after cooking broth, try the recipe below, this is a good way to start to love the bone marrow. And a great beer snack for those who have already discovered the secret.

If you have any brain bones after cooking broth, gently, using a knife with a narrow blade, remove the bone marrow. Dice at 1 сm and put aside.
If the bones are raw, cook them in a little boiling water for 20 min. Then perform the operation described above.
Bring a saucepan to boil water and put new potatoes (crude of course) and cook for 10-20 min, depending on the size of the potatoes. When the potatoes are cooked, cool and cut each potato into slices of medium thickness.
Cut the onion into half rings as thin as possible. You can also use red onion, it will be even sweeter by the vinegar, but I prefer the white for this recipe. Then put the onion in a bowl, season with salt, pour a tablespoon of vinegar and let stand for 5-7 min. This removes aggressive sharpness and slightly marinate onion. Next, wash the parsley and roughly tear by hands. Add to the bowl and mix with onions.
In a small skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil on strong heat. Without peeling, crush the garlic clove with the flat side of a knife and throw it in the pan. Garlic gives fragrance to oil and we do not have to eat it. At first fry potatoes. Remember that potatoes already prepared? Frying pan must be very hot, so everything quickly browned on the outside and not overheated inside. When notice on potatoes delicious crust, remove from the pan. Add bone marrow, generously salt and pepper and quickly fry until golden brown. Mix gently, shaking the pan, with spatula or spoon you can damage the delicate flesh of the brain.
Once the brain scalded, add it to the potatoes with a salad of parsley and onion. Add another teaspoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of olive oil. Gently stir, to keep potatoes and brain in shape.
Serve, laying on toasted slice of rye bread.
Top of recipe "Warm appetizer with bone marrow"
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