I have cooked this year peach-rosemary jam with almonds, but it has ended (long time ago). This time would like to cook peach-lavender (Kukorama residents already know my soft tremulous love to lavender), but at the last moment stopped at the peach-limeAnd did not regret that added lime — jam turned out to taste quiet peachy, with the smell of lime.

I was tricked with price tag, form and color of fruit, but in fact it turned out an uneadible grass… I had to «turn» fruit into jam.
And jam turned out quiet good. I would say that even very good. Fragrant… sweet…
However, it was flavored by the addition of lime, but nevertheless, fruits were saved, cooked, safely tried and I received another, deserved portion of «thanks »...

About for 200 g jars:
Wash peach and lime, dry them.
Cut peaches (as you wish), put in the pan for boiling jam, add all the amount of sugar and leave at least for an hour, maximum – for a day (I left for a night). By that time peaches give juice.
Put pan with peaches on the stove, bring to boil (do not boil) and cook on a low heat not more than 10 min.
Add sliced lime, pt all in sieve / colander to drain syrup.
Put all in blender and grind into puree.
Bring fruit puree back to syrup, heat all on a low heat till boil and cook not more than 5 min, but do not boil.
There are some variants to check the readiness of jam:
1. Clean spoon dip in syrup, then take out and tilte to one side. If syrup drips from a spoon, should continue to cook. If the syrup forms a thin continuous thread, it means that it is cooked enough and ready.
2. A drop of syrup put on a saucer and tilte the saucer. If drop does not flow down, jam is considered ready.
During cooking, always remove formed foam and do not let boil.
Switch off,cool it, shift into a bowl for jam (or. ..) And serve on the table.
Or: turn off, spread hot into prepared (ie sterilized) jars, close, cool and open as needed.
Please note — I do not add water… and do not remove peel… do not peel lime…
This jam is very good with cheese, pancakes, toasts… with tea… and others…
Bon Appetite!!!
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