In the UK, holidays are traditionally celebrated with a table in the center of which stands or baked whole poultry (turkey, goose, duck), or a large piece of meat that can feed 10-12 people (leg of lamb, beef sirloin). The main characters of a celebratory dinner are preparing long, delicate taste and appearance will make hungry even the most staunch vegetarian or nutritionist. But none of the feast will not be committed without a worthy companion to meat, side dishes attached have no less importance than the main dish. Most often, this is a big dish with potatoes, carrots, beets, parsnips and baked to a golden crisp. About this remarkable phenomenon I want to talk.

Wash potatoes and carrot well, peel and dry. Cut each potato and carrots in 3-4 large slices. Bring water to boil in a big saucepan. Add potato and boil for 15 min, until half ready. Remove and dry it off, boil in the same pan carrots, 7-10 min.
Heat the oven at 220° C. Pour to a large baking dish or deep pan oil, that the bottom was covered with a uniform layer. Place the baking sheet in the oven.
While the oil heats, mix potatoes, carrots, peeled and chopped onion into quarters and unpeeled and lightly crushed cloves of garlic in a bowl. Season with salt, pepper and crushed chili. You can use absolutely any seasonings and spices. You can add a few sprigs of rosemary or oregano, you can spice coriander and zira, it all depends on your imagination.
Remove the baking sheet from the oven. Put the vegetables and mix gently to cover all with oil, which should be very hot.
Return the pan to the oven and bake until golden brown. Garlic and onions become soft and smooth. There is nothing better to squeeze the pulp of baked garlic from the peel and spread on a slice of crispy potatoes, or bread, or a piece of meat, or anything that pleases.
Serve with dishes, worthy to accompany so bright and juicy garnish.
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