
Jam or candied peel of watermelon

Jam or candied peel of watermelon
500 g.
650 g.
300 ml
Soda solution
600 ml
1 tsp.
watermelon peel
500 g.
650 g.
300 ml
Soda solution
600 ml
baking soda
1 tsp.

Jam or candied peel of watermelon
All began with cooking jam with watermelon peel and over with candied fruits

Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Cut cleaned watermelon peel in small pieces and pour with soda solution for 4 hours.
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Rinse well under running water.
Boil syrup from water and sugar, add there our peel and boil for 10 min on a low heat.
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Turn off and leave till morning.
In the morning boil again till transparency of peel, they should be transparent but hard.
It`s about 20 — 25 min on a low heat.
Turn off, let it cool and pour in glass jars, keep in fridge.
In the recipe from which I cooked was not specified approximate time, was just said to cook, to be transparent, but hard.
So I cook, stirring constantly, until syrup turned into caramel
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Suddenly, I realized that the jam will be gone, and I need to save the situation.
Remembered the recipe by Lesya Candied watermelon , looked at it and everything turned out great.
Just took sugar and sprinkled with it our candied fruit, mixed well.
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Spread on a baking sheet and let to dry for about a day — two.
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Yum, children and adults take form sweet dish, and I also add them some baking.
Jam or candied peel of watermelon
Bon Appetite

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