
Orange jam for meat

Orange jam for meat
6 шт.
1 шт.
80 g.
ground black pepper
ground red pepper
paprika powder

I already can not remember where, and under what circumstances, I tried this meat flavoring which liked very much, and I can't buy it — just don't see it on sale (I do not go shopping on pompous markets). I had to cook this jam by myself.

Orange jam for meat

Oranges and grapefruit. The fact that it is desirable to take sour and bitter oranges. But as it is unpredictable, can be caught and just sweet oranges, the sourness and bitterness of jam can be corrected by grapefruit, carefully using its peel, partitions and juice. Here as the taste will tell.
Oranges — cut into eight parts, each in a blender.

And the resulting mass — in a saucepan, boil down. Still, add a little sugar (for 6 oranges, I added less than half a glass), cooked as jam — in three steps, constantly «adjusting» taste — spices (black and red pepper, paprika, salt).

Well, and we've got a great «dip» or sauce — call it whatever you like. Good for meat.
Апельсиновый джем к мясу
Bon Appetit!

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