
Charlotte with apples

Charlotte with apples
4 шт.
0,5 glass
1,25 glass
1 tsp.
10 g.
0,5 tsp.
3 шт.
4 шт.
0,5 glass
1,25 glass
baking powder
1 tsp.
vanilla sugar
10 g.
0,5 tsp.
3 шт.

Charlotte with apples

This recipe is not new, and I just want to share it!


Grease form with butter. Heat the oven at 180-200℃.
Remove peel and cord from apples, dice the apples.
Mix eggs with salt on medium speed into foam, then mix on high speed, adding portions of sugar with vanilla sugar, mix mass till it becomes smooth and shiny.
Mix flour with baking powder and sift on egg mass, gently stir with spoon, from top to bottom, in one direction, till dough becomes smooth, next add apples, carefully stir and shift dough in form. I have 19 сm form, so pie was high.
Bake charlotte till readiness, for 35-40 min, if top browns a lot, cover it with foil. Do not open the oven during baking, not to spoil the pie.
Shift ready charlotte on stove to cool, sprinkle with sugar powder.
Enjoy your tea.

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