Soon is Pancake Day… We`ll bake pancakes…
I would like to offer you, not even a recipe, but the idea of serving pancakes. This dish is very impressive. And taste will delight you and your family.

So, bake pancakes due to your favorite recipe. Smear ready pancakes one by one with spoon of jam (again, to your taste. I used raspberry). Fold in half, smear again and fold.
Spread pancakes on dish. Pour alcohol (cognac, brandy, strong(40 *) liqueur) and burn it. The alcohol will burn and the flavor and taste remain.
For pancakes are perfectly suited ice cream or mixed cream, or thick yoghurt.
Merry Pancake Day and bon appetite!!!
P.S. This recipe has nothing to do for the contest. Just offer the idea of serving pancakes. As soon as topic will be relevant now.
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