Peel potatoes, cut in pieces, pour with water, salt, boil till readiness, drain water. Mash potatoes.
Clean buckwheat, pour with water, boil to semi readiness. (Our grandmother just cook with broth from potatoes, in this case you should stew cabbage rolls a bit longer)
Peel onion, finely chop it, fry in oil till golden color.
Buckwheat, potatoes, onions, pour into a bowl.

Add pepper, salt. Mix all well.

Cut off stalk in cabbage, boil in salted water till soft (that when tightening cabbage leaves do no fall, you can add few drops of vinegar in boiling water). Disassemble cabbage in leaves, cut thickenings in them.

Pour on bottom of saucepan in which we will stew cabbage rolls 2-3 tbsp of oil, cover bottom with «substandard» (those, which were accidentally torn, small, etc) leaves of cabbage and make cabbage rolls:

Spread mince on the edge of cabbage leave.

Roll a leave.

Wrap edges of cabbage roll inside.

Put in saucepan by layers, cover again with such " substandard " leaves. Dissolve in 1 glass of boiled water 1 tsp of salt, pour to cabbage rolls.

Stew in heated at 180 C oven for 1,5 hour.

Serve with mushroom gravy. It`s recipe is here:
Top of recipe "Lenten cabbage rolls"
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