Why almost kiev style? 
As I changed a bit the traditional recipe and… got quite spicy dish in which incredible aroma of melted butter with garlic and herbs perfectly in harmonize with crispy golden double!!!
cheese crust with notes of nuts
and tender juicy chicken… In short, try it, you will not regret
Better prepare garlic oil in advance (you can keep it in freezer, tastes quit good with buns or baguettes

Mix butter with chopped greens (tastes great with dill, parsley and rosemary. But leave it to your discretion

and pressed garlic (you can change the amount). Form «sausage», wrap in film and put in freezer.
Beat chicken fillet well, cut it, to make «pocket» (or variant, separate small part, which is always like «sticked» to the basic), salt and pepper.
Mix breadcrumbs with crushed corn flakes (take not sweet, but why not to try in honey glaze

???) and ground nuts and grated cheese.

Put a piece of frozen butter in the middle of each fillet, roll it, so that butter is totally " sealed "

sometimes for «insurance» can be secured with toothpicks

P.S. A little off topic, but I personally know people who fasten cabbage rolls with threads, because they didn`t know that cabbage should be steamed

so toothpicks are okay

Ready cutlets alternately dip in mixed egg, then in bread crumbs, then again in egg and again in breadcrumbs. Dual peel, remember


Now is the time to put cutlets in the fridge (20-30 min).
Heat oil in a deep fryer (if not, it does not matter, broad saucepan perfectly cope with the task

Carefully put by one cutlet in hot oil (remember about safety, no joke!!! burns from hot oil are much worse than burns from boiling water… ) and let them brown there

In my deep fryer I choose «Poultry» program, 15 minutes of cooking time (refer to the instructions on your equipment). If you use a regular pan, there is little need to think, guess, depending on the size of cutlets (trust your «cook`s instincts »

Remove cutlets from oil (preferably with a shovel with «holes»), serve with a garnish of your choice.
P. S. Before eating, lightly pierce cutlet with a knife (to flow oil a bit), and then cut, otherwise there is a danger that hot melted butter «shoot» which is very unpleasant and painful… see «about burns » and «safety» above.
Bon Appetite!!!
Top of recipe "Cutlets almost "Kiev""