Classic French dessert, triumph, achieved by mistake. According to the official version, one of the Tatin sisters, a native of the town of Lamotte-Beuvron in France, yielding stress and romantic excitements, carelessly forgotten apples in a pan with the sugar and butter. Caramel has painted in amber color, for a pie it was no good. Then smart girl covered pan with dough, put in the oven, then turned on a plate and served to guests at her and sister`s home restaurant. The success was overwhelming. Let us repeat?

Begin from rolling layer of puff pastry at about 3mm thick an diameter, to cover the pan with our layer.
Peel and remove seeds from apples and pears. I want to stop here and announce that the choice of fruit depends solely on you, and use pears or apples from the classic version does not necessarily. Try peaches, apricots, even bananas,. And experiment with spices, you can achieve quite extraordinary results.
Heat oven at 180º C. Choose a pan that can be put in the oven, it is desirable to have with metal handle. Put on a strong fire and heat for 3 min. Add sugar and wait, till it melts. The main thing is not to stir it or touch with hands. And keep children away from the stove, caramel is terribly hot and dangerous.
Then, we should mention one more thing. For many desserts, especially the classic, you must prepare the caramel. And most of all, to open new dimensions of taste, chefs add alcohol to caramel. As usual, 40-degrees drinks, possessing interesting flavoring properties, and often made from fruit, taken as a basis of recipe. For example, for Tarte Tatin can safely add 100 ml of Calvados. Though I recommend whiskey. How strong in you a sense of celebration, so you can excel in the choice of alcohol for caramel.
Back to sugar. It successfully melted and appeared before us in the form of caramel. Gently pour the liquid (water or alcohol), then add fruit and spices (in our case, this is star anise). Gently mix the fruit, cover them with caramel and place in an arbitrary close to your heart composition. Add diced butter.
Cover with a layer of puff pastry and bake in the oven for 10-15 min, until the dough rises and browns. After the required time, remove the tart from the oven, cover with a plate and with a quick, firm movement turn the entire structure. What you`ll see, in no case will disappoint you. Look how carame shines, what delicious amber color and a delicate, tender dough, which invites you to sink your teeth into it.
Serve it warm, with ice-cream will be great.
Top of recipe "Nontraditional Tarte Tatin"
Значит я сегодня буду делать классический
При приготовлении обратила внимание на очень существенную (даже опасную)с моей точки зрения деталь —
Сахар сразу превращается в леденец, который я потом дополнительно елозила по уже нагретому в сковороде алкоголю с водой (50/50) до повторного растворения, к тому же это все имеет свойство выкепать, то-есть нужно не пропустить момент для закладывания фруктов, а лучше делать это как делала «одна из сестер Татен».
Но к самому пирогу претензий нет — очень просто и очень вкусно, нежно.
готовится быстро. а уничтожается еще быстрее