At first fish should be defrosted. Cut head and tail off. Carefulle remove all bones, especially rib. Salt and pepper fillet a bit. Squeeze on fillet juice of half lemon. Leave it for 10-15 min.

While fish marinates, prepare cheese sauce. Grate cheese. Peel garlic. Сut the leaves and finely chop parsley and basil. Put cheese, garlic and herbs in a bowl, add 1 tbsp olive oil, a pinch of black pepper. Fresh basil and parsley can be replaced with dry mixtures. Stir well.
Dry marinated mackerel fillet with cloth and smear a little olive oil. Spread fillet on preheated grill. At home, the grille is replaced perfectly by grill-pan, excellent and practical thing in the kitchen. (I recently got such a pan, tested for the first time today — liked the result — recommend to those who have the opportunity to buy it).
Fry fillets on the hot pan on both sides for 5-6 minutes, preferably periodically pressing with spatula.
Now spread it in baking form and sprinkle with cheese.

Put from with fish in heated at 200℃ oven and bake for 10 min. By that time cheese melts and you get appetizing crust. That`s all fish is ready.
Bon Appetite!
Top of recipe "Mackerel with cheese, baked in the oven"