Sesame cookies
Sesame, also called «oily plant». Its seeds are used to produce oils, baking and as a spice. In Arabic cuisine with a sesame produce many oriental sweets, such as tahina halva (halva from sesame paste). By the way, by calcium content sesame superior to most foods. So for children such cookies will be not only tasty, but also useful.
Note! Such cookies need to be baked at 180 ℃ for15-18 minutes. If your oven has baking mode choice, then I recommend using convection mode (not including heaters). If not, then after 13-14 minutes after sending cookies in the oven, begin to follow after it, as it has all chances to burn. Overall, cookies are one of the simplest I ever baked, it is compared with kozinaki, although I did not notice the similarities. Even if we replace white sugar in brown, cookies turn out golden brown.
Try it, maybe it will become your handy cookies, when you want something sweet.
AT first, separate whites from yolks.
Stir sesame seeds, whites, sugar and vanilla sugar, to get smooth mass.
There is no need to mix, you can stir all with fork. Such «dough» you should get.

Spread future cookies with spoon (I used dessert one, it is a bit larger than tea spoon) on baking sheet, covered with parchment paper.
Bake at 180 ℃ for 15-18 min (read about details in description).
Let it cool on parchment, then lift them a bit with knife and remove cookies from paper.
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