
Fish shashlik for children (and not only)

Fish shashlik for children (and not only)
fish sticks
500 g.
bell pepper
2 шт.
cherry tomatoes
300 g.
lemon juice
vegetable oil

It is not so much a recipe as a way of serving fish, for example, child`s birthday or when a child is naughty and refuses to eat fish, perhaps try such a shashlik after. Also well suited to picnic outside.

Cut paprika into squares, tomatoes, if you left small ones whole, cut larger in half. ALso we need fish sticks.
Lightning-fast with ready-made fish sticks, but if you are sure of their quality and trust manufacturer. Fish sticks can be easily done manually. Any boneless white fish is suitable.
Cut fish into equal pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Beat egg (or eggs depending on the number of fish). First, roll the fish pieces in flour, then in egg and bread crumbs. Quickly fry on both sides in oil, just to get crust, not to readiness. They can be prepared the day before.

Fish sticks (leave frozen for 15 minutes at room temperature) cut in half and along with vegetables alternately strung on wooden skewers.
Fish shashlik for children (and not only)
Cover baking sheet with cooking paper. Spread shashlik. Sprinkle with some lemon juice and oil.

At bottom I put also finely shredded (fried) potatoes.
Bake in heated oven at 185℃ for 20-25 min.

Bon Appetite!

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