
Pumpkin stuffed with rice

Pumpkin stuffed with rice
1 шт.
1 шт.
garlic (clove)
1 шт.
1 шт.
1 bunch
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
star anise (star)
1 шт.
1 шт.
150-200 g.
100 g.
butternut squash
1 шт.
red onion
1 шт.
garlic (clove)
1 шт.
1 шт.
1 bunch
1 tsp.
ground coriander
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
star anise (star)
1 шт.
dried chili pepper
1 шт.
basmati rice
150-200 g.
100 g.
olive oil
ground black pepper

This dish is so full of flavor, which does not need any meat, or even salad. Indian spices are perfectly combined with pumpkin. This design of a pumpkin — a dish, of course, not for every day, but in special circumstances would be very useful, because by originality and fullness of taste, has a very impressive appearance.
Pumpkin stuffed with rice

Heat the oven at 200°C.

Cut pumpkin along in half and remove with spoon seeds and pulp. Remove pulp as you wish, it`s important, how much rice you want to cook and how is your patience. The pulp of raw pumpkin pretty strong, but after a few minutes you get used to and work moves faster. By the way, do not throw away the pulp but chop and place in a bowl.

Chop onion, garlic and tomatoes. Heat in the pan 2 tbsp of olive oil. Add all spices. Once the kitchen is filled with flavor, add onion and garlic and cook until soft, but not for very long, 2-3 min. Then add tomatoes and half of chopped pumpkin pulp. You can use the remained part for soup, or mix with melon, cucumber and olive oil to get tasty salad. Pour 100 ml of water and add rice. Stirring, cook, to evaporate and soak water, it takes about a minute. Stir in chopped cilantro and fill with resulting mixture pumpkin halves. Fluid in the pumpkin should be enough to prepare rice, but just in case, add in each half 50-100 ml of water.

Spread halves of pumpkin in deep baking sheet, cover with foil and put in the oven for an hour. Then take out, remove foil, top with pieces of cold butterа and bake for another 10 min without foil, until the top seeds are not toasted.

It`s the best to serve straight in the pumpkin and straight from there eat rice.

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