This dish my mother in law prepares since we know each other, rather she cooked it earlier, but I'm familiar with it 20 years. Semolina fritters in her village is a must dish for all holidays as well as weddings, anniversaries, funeral lunch. It looks simple, but very tasty dish requires certain skill. I love to eat them, but to prepare them for the first time was a real feat for me…

At first, prepare the filling: raisins should be steamed for 30 minutes. Then mix curd with sugar, add a little vanilla or vanilla sugar, egg yolk. Stir well and add raisins. Once again stir well.

From milk and semolina boil thick semolina porridge. Bring milk to a boil and, gradually adding semolina, stir it. I trained as advised mother in-law — added semolina, sugar to taste, stir well, then turn on the gas and wait until some boiling of porridge. Porridge can stand for 5 minutes, and not wasting time quickly mold semolina fritter.
I am terribly afraid of hot, so I was making semolina fritter was not easy task for me, but I coped. Could not take photo of molding because hands were in the flour and porridge (

Porridge should not cool down, otherwise then fritters would be impossible to mold. Pour flour into a bowl, use tablespoon to take semolina, throw in flour and pour with flour.
Then pour the flour on your palm and put a lump of porridge pushing with the other hand and forming cake. In the center of cake put 2 tsp of curd filling and connect with hands.
Spread them on plate or board sprinkled with flour. You must mold all fritters at once until cooling of porridge. Further, in a separate bowl, mix 2 eggs, you can add white there, remainder from filling, you can add a few drops of water.
Dip formed semolina fritters in egg mixture and then put on a plate to drain excess fluid, otherwise they will burn in the pan. Heat butter in pan and begin to fry semolina fritters.

Ther are fried quickly, my mother in law always fries at two pans. But I has not yet reached for such skills.

Ready semolina fritters can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. And my husband loves them just dipped into sugar, although they are so sweet.

I love them with sour cream, but they are delicious just like that!
Bon Appetite!!!
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