If you do not have special molds to bake tubes, they can be easily done by yourself from cardboard, parchment and stapler.
Heat the oven at 220 degrees.
Roll puff pastry a bit and cut in long strips, curl pastry into a mold so that the edges are overlapped with each other, press the edge of dough well, that it does not shift by baking. If you have remained pieces of dough, you can bake them near and then make crumb, sprinkle with it cream on tubes.
Set molds on a baking sheet vertically, bake till readiness or slightly golden color.
Remove a bit cooled tubes from molds, for this you should heat the top with the handle of knife, and then carefully remove mold.
Cool the tubes.
Next mix cooled whites, adding vanillin and lemon juice, gradually adding sugar powder, mix into thick mass, fill tubes with prepared cream, if you do not have pastry bag, you can use the tight package with the cut off tip.
Cool tubes in the fridge for an hour.
Enjoy your tea!
Top of recipe "Puff pastry tubes with white cream"
І ще у мене запитання: скільки такі трубочки можна зберігати і де?
І ще: а крем не осідає? Чи не встигає
Крем не оседает даже на следующий день, самое главное его хорошо взбить, следить чтобы в белки не попал желток или жир, пудру добавлять только постепенно, если всыпать всю сразу белки не взобьются.
Чуть позже выставлю рецепт пирожных там идет белковый зефир, можно им начинить трубочки.