The one who at least once invited guests and arranged for them dinner party, knows that such an event is associated with a certain degree of tension. However, knowing a few quick, simple but spectacular recipes can reduce all the stress to a minimum. The recipe below — is one of such. Berries are not in season and I reproach myself for having not posted this recipe before, but for a special occasion you can cheat once the nature and spend a little more on berries. This cheesecake does not look like we used to see it on our plate in coffee shops or restaurants. But the combination of delicate cream cheese and fresh sweetness of berries, with the help of a light crunch of the crumbled cookies, give the same feeling. And preparation takes not more than 20 min.

Wrap cookies in a kitchen towel, place it on the table and a beat with rolling pin or something else heavy well. Usually from the resulting crumbs make a basis for cheesecake, mixing them with sugar and butter. We will do nothing with it, for simplicity.
Mix mascarpone in a large bowl (or any other cream cheese, importantly, not salty with dill and other modifications), sugar powder and lemon juice. Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise and scrape seeds. Add to cream cheese. Mix, to get smooth mass.
In other bowl mix cream till thickness, but not strong, till, it just begins to save shape.
Mix cream with cream cheese mixture. Put in the fridge.
Pour in pan 2 tbsp of sugar and turn on a strong heat. While caramel melts, do not touch it in any case. As soon as melts sugar, pour berries and shake pan several times very quickly, to cover berries with caramel. Then pour 50 ml of alcohol you want. If you have any berry liqueur, for example crème de cassis, I highly recommend to try, if not, then it is not necessary to buy an expensive bottle for dessert. In this case, use ordinary water, or even 50 ml of vodka. You can also fresh berried with few drops of lemon juice. As soon as alcohol evaporates, and berries will be covered with appetizing layer of caramel sauce, remove pan from heat. Berries should just heat, not to be prepared completely inside. All the process is not more than 5 min and similarly described previously in recipe of
tarte Tatin .
You can use anything to serve dessert, but most effectively will be glassware, especially in the case of a dinner party. Take a glass or a cocktail glass, you can even use champagne glass. Pour some crumbs on bottom. Then spread few tsp of berries. Next, with a spoon, or using pastry bag, add in glass mixture from cream cheese and cream. Repeat the process, till glass is totally full. Finish with some crumbled cookies and few fresh berries. Decorate with mint leaf.
Top of recipe "Lazy cheesecake"
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