Clean duck well, wash it, dry with napkins. Rub inside and outside with salt and pepper, grease with olive oil or mayonnaise (I used homemade yogurt). We put our bird in saucepan or other deep pot, cover with food film and let it marinate for 6-7 hours (or longer).
Peel apple and 2 oranges, slice them and stuff duck, put rosemary and pierce the belly up. You can use toothpicks or culinary thread.
Heat the oven at 200℃. Put duck on baking sheet breast up, pour there half of wine and bake for 30 min. Then pour rest of wine and bake for another 60 min. Periodically pour our duck with juice from frying, not to make it dry.
Take 1 orange,cut it in thin slices and put them round our bird in 10 min before end of cooking. Squeeze juice from the rest of oranges.
Remove duck and put in warm place. Drain fat from frying in saucepan, pour there orange juice, add peel of one lemon, mustard, sugar and boil all this for 5 min, then strain, to make it thick add 1 tsp of starch.
Spread all on dish, decorate with orange slices, greens and serve. You can serve sauce separately or pour duck with it.
My advice — cut the duck`s tail, as there are fat glands to protect feathers from water and they have not very pleasant smell. Also remember to knit wings and legs, so that our duck is not turned on helicopter

Bon Appetite to all!!!
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