
Lemon pie. Closed lemon pie

Lemon pie. Closed lemon pie
200 g.
600 g.
100 g.
1 шт.
150 g.
10 g.
1 шт.
200 g.
200 g.
600 g.
100 g.
1 шт.
150 g.
dry yeasts
10 g.
1 шт.
200 g.

Lemon pie. Closed lemon pie
Fresh, bitter lemon pie with tea is always a decoration for any feast. It is cooked quickly, and eaten very fast. This is a very, very gentle, sweet crumbly pie.
Lemon filling is so refreshing that the need for any additions like: tea, coffee, ice cream, sauce dissapear. No, of course, if you have the opportunity to propose to this pleasant pie cup of fragrant tea, do so. Pie is great — juicy, not mawkish, easy. This makes it a particularly good option for picnics where to make tea for all on fire is hard, as well as in cases of sudden shutdown of water just at the moment of special tea drinking at home. If you bake lemon pie — no one will remember about tea.

This pie is tastier with the classical number of products. Why – I don`t know, proportions are the same, and when the pie is thinner – it`s tastier, it`s a fact. Maybe because of a thin crisp, lemon inside heats better and becomes like marmalade.

At first let`s make a dough, as it is with yeast and need time for rising. We`ll keep this rule, and have time to make filling. At first let`s take yeast – in a warm milk add some sugar and add yeast. Now you have 5 min, if yeast is good, and plenty of time if you have bad yeast or overheated milk. In 5 minutes good yeast will give so much foam, that it comes out of the cup. If you are afraid that will not have time — put plate for glass.

While yeast is rising,grind flour and butter into a oily crumb, similar to cereals. You can use mixer or processor, but not hard, with hands. The main thing is to mix large pieces of butter. Once that happens — add egg into the flour and pour yeast mixture. You should get thick smooth dough. Put it with your hands in one ball. Then- in the fridge. It will rise at least for 40 min.

Now we should make a filling. Pour the lemon with hot water for a few minutes. This will remove bitterness.

Why not to remove bitter peel from lemon? Because peeled lemon is too liquid, juice and sugar is not very good for filling.
Besides, peel except bitterness contain 90% of yellow color and and lemon smell. Hot water removes bitterness, makes lemon softer and it`s easier to chop it.
Chop the boiled lemon. Don`t use blender – with knife it can take 3 hours, that`s when you don`t want pies. Blender can`t help with lemon, you`ll get a lot of juice and large pieces of lemon juice swimming in it. There are two best variants – meat grinder and grater.

Meat grinder is much easier, only after it is necessary to scroll after lemon half of an apple\\ pear \\ some more fruit. Otherwise half of the lemon on prescription instead of getting into pie, will remain in the meat grinder. Grater — for strong heart and hands, and is not suitable for any but awesome unit with sharp edged holes that received punching sheet metal plate with nails. Other types of graters will not cope with the lemon peel, or give too large pieces.
Personally, I grated lemon peel and mix the rest with the help of the blender.

Grated lemon mix with sugar. The amount of sugar in the recipe many feel deceptively large – a small puddle of lemon puree and a big cup of sugar. When I did an enlarged portion, hand trembled and on one and a half lemon, I do not pour a half cup of sugar, but one. Puree in raw form seemed quite sweet. A pie was way too sour. Of course it was eaten with pleasure, but if you don`t like sour fruits – put more sugar. Sugar is necessary to make filling thick. When sugar is not enough, it will pour out from the pie.

So, the filling is ready, let`s check the dough. Put it out from the fridge. Mix with sugar, and don`t forget to add vanilla sugar. Vanilla smell decorates fancy baking very much. Knead the dough well, to dissolve all the sugar, and don`t add flour – it should be a little bit sticky.

After kneading put the dough on a well-powdered with flour table, divide in halfs – one is a little bit bigger – and roll in a big layer (according to the shape of your pan).

Then put it on the greased pan (form), or better with baking paper, stretch to edges, to give the shape(or vice versa, to cut off the superfluous, that hangs over the form).

Grease the edges with mixed egg, and pour lemon filling on the layer.

Roll the other part of dough, also by shape, and on the pie. To put second layer is more difficult – first was possibly to move and stretch, and the second put exactly on the filling.

Tightly pinch edges of the dough, cut superfluous parts. You can just throw them out, oryou can make various ornaments from them. When the top of the cake will be greased with egg, all these flowers and leaves will look perfectly. Grease them too. And put it in a not very hot oven at 80 -90 C. You can even slightly open the door, if it is to hot. In 15-20 min pie will rise perfectly, and after you can increase the temperature. But not too much, the lemon pie is better to cook at low temperature. Usual 180 C for pies will be a lot. So turn maximum at 150 and bake till golden. You can turn only 120-130, it will bake longer, but on the other side all the lemon will melt inside with sugar, and the filling will be similar to the exquisite lemon marmalade. But this pie should be very thin (the number of products in the recipe goes like Classic — on a standard pan), thick enlarged portion will nt be so well heated.

Ready pie is better not to cut immediately by removing from the oven — and filling spilled, and it is hot and uncomfortable to eat. It is better to have a little patience, cover pie with a towel and wait half an hour, until the cake will be warm. That's when you can make a cup of strong black tea, cut yourself the cutest slice and finally enjoy a wonderful, delicate lemon pie
You can easily keep it at a room temperature, lemon with a such amount of sugar can do this. The dough is good, and it needs a lot of time to get staled. So the only things necessary to protect the pie — is from drying up: so put cut pieces in some tightly sealable box. The main thing is to remember: the less people know where that box is, the longer will stay the pie.
Lemon pie. Closed lemon pie

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получается, дрожжевое тесто подходит в холодильнике? такое возможно?


Класний рецепт і опис до нього.


Чудовий рецепт, чудові фото та подача,


Дуже цікавий опис- читала з ТАКИМ задоволенням!Для цього потрібен неабиякий талант!


Конечно, это бред, или ошибка, дрожжевое тесто подходит только в теплом месте, но не в холодильнике)))))


НЕТ! это не бред и не ошибка!!! дрожжевое тесто прекрасно подходит в холодильнике, просто это более медленный процесс, но какой прекрасный результат!!! тесто имеет более пышную и нежную консистенцию и ещё один большой и значительный плюс — можно порадовать с самого утра своих любимых свежей выпечкой, а так же придя с работы испечь вкусный и свежий пирог!!! отличный рецепт!!!


Чудовий рецепт! Лимонник виходить просто неймовірно смачний. Спасибі величезне!


не зрозуміла до чого тут дрожжі, це дуже важке тісто, лімон обожнює легке кріхке тісто. Крем не буде розтікатіся, якщо ви зварите лімони. так, берете заливаєте водою, на маленькому вогні поки не буде протикатися зубочисткою. Потім треба остудити, Подрібнені лимоні блендером, до маси однородної змішаті з цукром десь буде грамм 200 не меньш і все.


Структура теста больше похожа на песочное тесто. У вас правда дрожжевое тесто?