I usually want to eat this light soup at the end of winter. The body requires vitamin, so why are we going to deny it? Let`s cook?

Generally in this green soup there should be a lot of greens. It should be quiet thick).
Rinse meat with cold water and pour 4 l of water. Let it boil, removing foam.
Next, reduce gas and let it cook over two hours over low heat.

Meanwhile, peel and cut into julienne potatoes. I love to cut it that way in soups, but to dice in borsch). Put it into broth to cook the very first.

And let`s cook frying. Why is it needed? It promised to be a green soup? Yes, it will be so, but for some reason I like the delicate pink soup that is so well shadowing the greens. You can certainly do just onions and tomato paste, but I always prefer fresh tomatoes to paste.
1. pour a bit if oil on pan.
2. cut onion into julienne and sauté in pan.
3. once onion is transparent, add tomatoes to it, also cut in julienne.
4. fry over low heat, to get smooth mass.
Salt and pepper – to your taste.
Then put all in broth and prepare sorrel.

Rinse it well,
1. cut into strips of 1-1,5 сm, with stalks(where is acid).
2. broth boils, we salt it with 1 tbsp of salt, remove meat, to disassemble it on fibers.
3. put all sorrel,
4. before our eyes it gets completely different color, and tomatoes there create desired colorful image).
Put meat, disassembled on fibers, return it in broth, and let it cook for 15 min. During this time you can boil hard boiled eggs, then add them in saucepan, or a la carte in plates.

Wash greens, chop and add in saucepan.

It is desirable to add sour cream in plates with soup.
And if bread is also finished to that time, then, when kids will eat you hear:
— Mom, well, you can not cook so tasty! It`s hard to stand it!))
Bon Appetite)
Top of recipe "Green cabbage soup with sorrel"
правда я не родилась тут, но живу уже 18 лет)