||Parfait… Do not think it's pretentious name of usual liver pate I came up with to attract your attention.
Not at all.
This recipe Felix Benoit and Henry Closioure la cuisine Lionnaise – for those, who are interested – from book Rolls-pates and halantin. And it is called Parfait of chicken liver — Parfait aux Foies Volailles.
It is prepared as pate by difficulty, just a bit longer. And as a result ready product, accordingly, other.
Not to say that it is better or worse — Other.

For preparation 750 g
Pour chicken liver with icy water for 1,5-2 h.
Drain water, dry liver, beat it and shift in form.
Not to make paste from liver, you should beat it not gently, but as gently as possible — as gentle slap for baby.
Put the liver in a plastic bag — so you avoid spraying the walls and washing of them.
Add to beaten liver pinch of salt, freshly ground pepper, brandy, olive oil, crushed juniper berries. Leave to marinate for 1.5-2 hours.
In 2 h cover form with lid and put it on water bath in heated to 150 ℃ oven.
Cook for 40 min, to get tight liver, but stays pink inside.
Let the liver cool down, stand, shift it in sieve to drain excess liquid.
Take 4 best livers and put them aside.
Rub rest of liver through a sieve, then mix with melted butter, bring it to a state of paste.
Try to taste of spices and add more, if desired.
Shift mixture in form.
Spread at bottom of form smooth layer of paste mixture, second layer-whole livers, next cover with rest of mixture.
Put in cold place or fridge for 24 h to infuse.
Add slices with toasts or breads.
* You can do without the juniper, but I love its presence in pates.
** For me, thyme is an essential spice for all kinds of pates-rolls,.
You can easily do without these seasonings — pate won`t suffer from it.
I didn`t leave it in the fridge for 24 h – I do not have enough patience – I let it stand for 3 h in cold place and served with toasts. And I compared the next day with ones that stand – taste is better, so, have patience and forget about it for a day. But then…
Not foie gras, of course, but very, very much charmant.
My comments: If you put less butter – will be ok.
Bon Appetite!!!
Top of recipe "Parfait of chicken liver"
Очень понравился рецепт! А фото — слов нет! Чудо, как хороши!!!
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