Imagine: You're in a velvet dressing gown and slippers, with a white collar, smoke hookah on the balcony, admiring the trees and wild dogs, on the mahogany table inlaid with ivory stands a silver tray with a glass of ice crystal frosty vodka and on a silver platter of Chinese porcelain is pickled plum, impaled on a two-pronged golden fork … Imressed?? I was, I immediately ran to cook plums from the 1 kg that I had)))
Cover up bottom of the bowl with plums and put on top bay leaf and cloves. Cover up another layer of plums and on top again bay leaf and cloves. And so on. The last layer should be — plums. By the way, at first glance it may seem that the number of bay leaf and cloves is excessive. This is a fallacy. In the end I even regretted for not to add more. Boil vinegar in the saucepan. Add in boiling vinegar sugar, better by portions, by 1-2 glasses. Stir until dissolution. From the point of view of physics — to dissolve 3 kg of sugar in 0.5 liters of fluid — it is impossible. The final result is a thick liquid — syrup with sugar pieces. Again — do not let that scare you. Very soon plum add liquid, and all will be as it should! Next, you will have a simple, but extremely exciting activity for 5 days. So: Twice a day, morning and evening, it is necessary pour into a large pot all the liquid from the container in which plums are pickled. Gently mix plums with a large spoon, or even just a hand. Bring this liquid to a boil, and pour plums with it.

On the 2nd, well maximum 3rd day, there will be enough fluid for plums to be completely in the marinade. Container with plums is better to cover with plastic bag or film. Firstly, to avoid flying trash. Secondly, in order not to got into insects, especially wasps (!). Third, to keep plums from households. Plums are edible on the first day, and very tasty. So, by the time of preservation, you may have nothing to preserve. At the end of the fifth day drain the marinade into the pan. Bring to boil. Spread plums into sterilized jars, be sure to add the bay leaf and cloves. Flip jars putting them on the lid. Wrap all banks by woolen or cotton blanket, and keep so till full cooling.

It is better to keep jars of pickled plums in a cool place. And only periodically take one jar, open and eat.
Recipe is taken from Sergey Dzhurenko.
Top of recipe "Pickled plums"
Да я тут чуть слюной не захлебнулся!!!
я так зрозуміла, що сливи не в холоді тих 5 днів стоять?
А еще у меня осталось немного маринада — очень вкусно получается с мороженым!
А в кінці читаю — рецепт взятий у Сергія Джуренко. Фух.Відпустило. Теж у нього усе це читала
Сливи і фото — шикарні