In my opinion, the most delicious casserole — this is the easiest casserole. I was even a little ashamed to publish this post, because it is hardly a recipe. This is the most simple, basic way of cooking casseroles, further changes completely on you. Below, I'll tell you what else you can add to the casserole. I advise you to find time to buy a kilogram of this delicious curd on the market, it will change everything. Fresh, rustic eggs and milk is also not required, but if you have the opportunity, do not miss it. And if you find a vanilla pod (worth 50-70 rubles in all popular supermarkets), then immediately buy several, come in handy. Although casserole will be excellent even if you use instead of vanilla vanilla sugar, and eggs, milk and curd from the supermarket. Because sometimes you can pamper yourself.

Stock up strength and patience, because you have to mix all the ingredients in a large bowl, put in greased with butter form and bake at 220°C for 35-40 min. That`s all. Well, maybe you spend some time with vanilla bean, cut in half and scrape out the seeds with a knife.
But before spreading mixture into a mold, use fantasy. What if you need to feed the baby? My 4-year-old sister, likes it very much, but children need variety. What if to add there dried fruit? Dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dried cranberries (for children can be sour). Then you can make the taste more mature and conscious. And what about spices? Cinnamon, ground cloves, perhaps a little of black pepper. If a drop of brandy or Baileys? You can continue indefinitely.
Just for this moment of serious reflection and anticipation all is conceived. Mixing basis, you have just started to prepare a dish.
I hope I have inspired you. Waiting for your feedback and comments!
Top of recipe "The most delicious casserole"
Не то пальто
Интересно написано!!! Что думаю совсем немаловажно при любом рецепте… Так аппетитнее))) И привычные простые блюда кажутся вкуснее...)))
Ідея для фото дійсно гарна, сонячна запіканка на тарілці з соняшником. Але от запіканка то підгоріла?