Donuts: 4 recipes
- 1768
- Mila
- 02 August 2012, 19:24
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In a metal saucepan put the water and the lemon rind, by boiling for at least 3 minutes, then remove the lemon rind, add oil and flour and mix on low heat until a thick dough that is separated the walls of the bucket. We'll get the mass of the bucket and let cool to room temperature.
After cooling the dough to incorporate back into the saucepan and we add the eggs one by one, stirring vigorously, without adding the next until the previous one has been consumed (eye not to fire while doing this). Finally we get a smooth dough that we will enter into a piping pastry.
On baking paper post the donut-shaped mass, about the size of a fist with the sleeve of pastry and sprinkle with sugar. Another method would be with a spoon making a hole in the center.
Warm the oven to 200 ° C, we introduce the threads once thoroughly heated for about 20 minutes, while preparing the orange blossom mead.
In a saucepan put honey and water, letting it cook 5 minutes over low heat until it forms a syrup, let it cool this until we have the finished almojábenas. Which introduce fresh from the oven mead and let drain on a rack until cool.