Without custard just can not imagine any English pudding (dessert). Also, if you bake in the oven custard, cream brulee will be tastier
Mix milk with sour cream and simmer gently without boiling. Ideally you will also need vanilla that you have to add (without seeds) in a mixture of milk-sour cream, but you can take vanilla sugar or extract.If you took pod, it must be cleaned before adding the milk mixture into the egg one, wash, dry and put in a jar with sugar (so after a while you get vanilla sugar)

Mix egg yolks with sugar and starch well. Pour hot milk mixture in the yolk one and whisk well (you should whisk quickly and pour milk on the side of the pan, for yolks «not to boil»).
Return mixture on a low heat and boil, constantly stirring (best with wooden or silicone spatula) till thickening.
Serve hot, as separate dessert, or pouring baking or fruit.
Bon Appetite!!!
Top of recipe "Custard or creme anglaise"